Wake Up Healthy

S1E47 Creating Better Days Delta-8 THC Vape Cartridge

S1E47 Creating Better Days Delta-8 THC Vape Car...

Our Creating Better Days D8 THC Cartridges are a peg above your average CBD vape; with greater psychotropic effects it can be especially beneficial when combating stress, anxiety, and more.

S1E47 Creating Better Days Delta-8 THC Vape Car...

Our Creating Better Days D8 THC Cartridges are a peg above your average CBD vape; with greater psychotropic effects it can be especially beneficial when combating stress, anxiety, and more.

S1E31 3Chi Delta-8 THC 500mg Vape Cartridges

3Chi Delta-8 THC Vapes can be a great option for folks who need more ‘punch’ to their relief. It can be very effective for nausea, pain, anxiety, sleep, and more.

S1E31 3Chi Delta-8 THC 500mg Vape Cartridges

3Chi Delta-8 THC Vapes can be a great option for folks who need more ‘punch’ to their relief. It can be very effective for nausea, pain, anxiety, sleep, and more.

S1E30 Creating Better Days Delta-8 THC 500mg Va...

Vaping Delta-8 THC, in many firsthand accounts, has been shown to provide an enjoyable and mellow experience with less paranoia and anxiety that is commonly linked to Delta-9 THC.

S1E30 Creating Better Days Delta-8 THC 500mg Va...

Vaping Delta-8 THC, in many firsthand accounts, has been shown to provide an enjoyable and mellow experience with less paranoia and anxiety that is commonly linked to Delta-9 THC.