Steel Valley Hemp
Steel Valley Hemp Full Spectrum Tincture Oil Pets 600 Bacon Flavor
Steel Valley Hemp Full Spectrum Tincture Oil Pets 600 Bacon Flavor
Share the power of CBD with your pets! Any pet owner knows that we care for our four-legged friends like family members, and Steel Valley Hemp's 600mg Full Spectrum Pet Tincture can help your beloved companion reap all of the same potential benefits of CBD oil that you do.
This oil is great quality, and safe for consumption by any animal (or human!)
We have a few folks who like the flavor and take it themselves, or cook their eggs with it believe it or not!
Ingredients: Organic Olive Oil, Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Rendered Bacon Fat
Steel Valley Hemp is a trusted brand carried by Tri-Healthy CBD. Please contact a doctor with any medical questions or concerns.
This product contains a total Delta-9 THC concentration that does not exceed 0.3% on a dry-weight basis. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements by Tri-Healthy CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Results may vary. All of our products are recommended for adult use only. Tri-Healthy CBD is not responsible for a failed drug test.